Antique Cure Bottles

Cure bottles are a subset of patent medicine bottles and distinguish themselves by simply having the word CURE embossed on them or printed on a label. The word “cure” like “panacea” and other similar terminology was often used in persuasive sales pitches of the era to describe products that could do just about anything. Think Ron Popeil and the Pocket Fisherman.

The Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 seems to have done in the use of misleading claims so you can date your cure bottle before that year. The majority are from the 4th quarter of the 19th century, although occasionally you will see pontiled examples from the mid 19th century.

See also our patent medicine bottles page.

Common Examples

Foley’s Kidney and Bladder Cure
Warner’s Safe Cure
Piso’s Cure for Consumption
Hick’s Capudine Cures All
Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp Root Kidney Liver and Bladder Cure
One Minute Cough Cure
Polar Star Cough Cure
Radam’s Microbe Killer Cures All Diseases


Collecting the Cures, Bill Agee
Collecting All Cures, Bill Agee

Cure Bottles for Sale

Find cure bottles for sale here at Historic Glasshouse
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Value of Antique Cure Bottles

The value of cure bottles ranges from a few dollars for common examples on up to thousands for rare examples in perfect condition. Remember that condition, color, and quality of the example greatly affect value. Use our appraisal service to value your bottle or ask a question and post photos on our forum.


We are not aware of any reproductions of cure bottles. However, reproductions are quite common so it is possible that some exist.

Outrageous Names

Bird’s Lung Cure
Bohemian Catarrh Cure
Electric Brain Food Cure
Gantner’s Magic Chicken Cholera Cure
Howe’s Arabian Milk-Cure for Consumption
Keeley’s Cure for Drunkenness
Kitchel’s Wind Puff Cure

Best Examples

Dr. Craig’s Kidney Cure (with embossed kidney)
Price’s Cure for Fits
River Swamp Chill and Fever Cure (with embossed alligator)
Sure Cure for Malaria – cobalt blue with a huge mushroom lip like the Tippecanoe bottles
Winans Brothers Indian Cure for the Blood

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