The Historic Glasshouse web site is a project maintained by me, Chris Woods. I have been an antiquarian and collector since I was a teenager in the mid 1970s. I became instantly hooked on collecting after discovering bottles and other artifacts in a trash dump near my parents house in Connecticut. The rest is, well, history.
I teamed up with my good friend John Brandt and started Historic Glasshouse as a business in 1997. At that time we were traveling far and wide to buy and sell at antique bottle shows. We launched this website in early 1998. John still lists items for sale on the site, but is no longer involved with the business.
This site began simply as a venue to sell bottles, glass and antiques, but more recently I have started to expand its content as well as offering appraisals and identification services.
I greatly enjoy collecting and always look forward to sharing our knowledge with others.
History of Historic Glasshouse website
* March 1998 – website went live at You can still find a few links on the internet pointing to that location.
* September 1998 – registered domain name
* September 1998 – launched new website. What WERE we thinking? That site design was *really* ugly.
* October 1999 – new site design. Much easier on the eyes.
* June 2000 – moved to database driven inventory management, before the days of php and content management…
* May 2001 – new website design with white background and a sparse clean look.
* 2003 – redesigned delivery of inventory. Created account based system for sellers but never made it public 🙁
* June 2007 – new website design. Finally… after several aborted attempts in the past 3 years.
* More to come…